Tips On How To Keep Your Vehicle Clean From Germs

There is no denying there have been significant changes when it comes to just about everything in terms of how we live in 2020 from everything to how we learn, work, dine, interact with each other, and clean. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses a risk when it comes to germs because, as we all know, they are invisible. While you might be tempted to focus strictly on cleaning your home, it’s just as important to focus on disinfecting your vehicle, a good time to do that is when you are washing it! Luckily, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has made recommendations when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are touched often. When it comes to your vehicle that’s a lot of surfaces! Here are just a few of the commonly touched surfaces in your car, however, a good rule of thumb would be to clean all surfaces of your vehicle more often than you might typically be used to. 

  • Keys
  • Door handles (interior and exterior)
  • Steering Wheel
  • Gear shifter
  • Infotainment display or radio controls
  • Seat Belts
  • Mirrors
  • Upholstery
  • Learn how the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting for COVID-19 here.

Effective Cleaning Supplies 
The EPA released a list of disinfectants to use against the Coronavirus. These chemicals and cleaning supplies include but are not limited to:

  • 70% (or more) Alcohol Solutions
  • Diluted Household Bleach
  • Clorox Spray and Wipes (Quaternary Ammonium)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide; Peroxyacetic Acid
  • Lysol Heavy Duty Cleaner Disinfectant

Always read and follow the directions on the label to ensure safe and effective use:

  • Wear skin protection and consider eye protection for potential splash hazards
  • Ensure adequate ventilation
  • Use no more than the amount recommended on the label
  • Use water at room temperature for dilution (unless stated otherwise on the label)
  • Avoid mixing chemical products
  • Label diluted cleaning solutions
  • Store and use chemicals out of the reach of children and pets
  • You should never eat, drink, breathe or inject these products into your body or apply directly to your skin as they can cause serious harm. Do not wipe or bathe pets with these products or any other products that are not approved for animal use.

Hand hygiene and other preventive measures
Household members should clean hands often, including immediately after removing gloves and after contact with an ill person, by washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.

Paradise Car Wash in Yorkville, IL.  is committed to your health and safety as well as our employees. We are monitoring the situation through local and government agencies and will keep you updated on the latest findings. We are a full-service car wash and auto detailing center. We offer a wide variety of wash and detailing options, including pick-up and drop-off services for local customers. With Paradise Car Wash, satisfaction is guaranteed! Your car will be next to new when we’re through. CALL US: (630) 553-9274 1010 N. Bridge St (Rt. 47) Yorkville, IL 60560.