We all know that a car’s value depreciates as soon as you drive it off the lot. Over time, mother nature and other forces can take a toll on the life of your vehicle. But there are factors in your control to ensure good resale value when it comes time to sell or trade-in your vehicle. Keep your car’s physical appearance in good shape to help maintain a higher value with these tips.Regular Car WashesYou know how great a day at the spa feels for you, so treat your hard-working vehicle to regular stops at its version of the spa, the car wash. Experts recommend weekly or bi-weekly washes for your vehicle. So how do these simple washes help keep your car in top-notch shape?
- Mud, dirt, and precipitation contain minerals that can damage your paint job.
- Washing your engine can help remove debris and keep it healthier.
- Regular car washes remove debris from your windows, mirrors, and tires, making it safer to drive.
- Regular car washes prevent rust.